January wrap up

It’s already February! January is always a really long month, which I’ve definitely been feeling a lot more this year than previously, now I don’t get any student time off.

I made a fairly decent start to the month, reading four books. Well, kind of. It’s been a bit of a mix of novels, and some of them I actually liked enough to give out five star ratings.

I thought since I’ve been a bit MIA I’d catch you up on the books I’ve read in the past month and what I thought of them.

*This is a long post, so you might want to grab a cup of tea!*



The Nix by Nathan Hill

This is my “kind of” book. For a start, I listened to it as an audiobook rather than physically reading it, but I actually started it last year, but finished the bulk of it this year. We’re talking about 65% of it- so I’m alright with counting it as a book I did actually read this year.

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Music Top 10: January

So I thought it would be fun, since I’m obsessed with music (listening, not playing… I have the musical talent of a block of wood) to start a ‘Top 10’ according to Last.Fm of the songs that I’ve been loving that month. Then I can look back on all the music i’ve been loving throughout the year, and everyone else can get a sort of music recommendation from me!

Fair warning, I am a serial repeater of songs. I listen to them over and over until I can’t stand to hear them anymore, so the likelihood of songs appearing in more than one month isĀ extremely likely.

So without further ado, my top 10 played songs of January are:

1. Tears of Joy by Slow Club

I don’t think words can actually describe my intense love for this song. I am fully obsessed, and have been for at least 5 months. It’s chill, it’s unique and it’s easy to sing along to. Their entire album ‘Complete Surrender’ is incredible, but this one’s my favourite.

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